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The objects of the Society shall be as under

  1. To do any act/acts or deed/deeds to provide absolutely free “Health Care” covering every disease or disorder right from consultation, diagnosis, treatment including any surgery to every citizen of India irrespective of caste, creed, color, race, region, religion, sect.
  2. To do research and development in Integrated Medicine which is a blend of Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy, Vibrionics and any other system of medicine. And to develop treatment protocols by using Integrated Medicine.
  3. To run dispensaries, hospitals, nursing homes, super specialty hospitals, diagnostic centers, pathological laboratories, research institutes to achieve the object of providing free health care.
  4. To provide absolutely free education right from nursery to Ph. D to all citizens of India irrespective of caste, creed, color, race, region, religion, sect.
  5. To run pre-schools, nurseries, primary schools, middle schools, high schools, junior colleges, undergraduate colleges (degree colleges). Post-graduate colleges, colleges providing professional courses such as medical colleges, engineering colleges, pharmacy colleges etc., and to start and run deemed university/ university. To start and run tutorials, training institutions, training centers etc to provide free education.

We Dream to Create A Bright Future Of The Underprivileged Children

  1. To organize meetings, camps, campaigns, workshops, seminars, stage shows etc., to create political awareness in the citizens of India.
  2. To develop national integration. To reunite all Indians who are divided on various lines such as caste, creed, color, race, region, religion, sect etc., and inculcate the sense of being Indian in every Indian.
  3. To advocate and profess “Humanism”. To develop humanism in all Indians in particular and in all people of the world in general.
  4. To do any charitable works and services as and when required.

Incidental Objects

  1. To carry out such other objects, which are incidental in achieving the main objects and as the members may decide from time to time.